Boy meets girl, it happens every day, it could happen to you. :) So at least that's what the commercial says. Their story began in Alaska in the Wasilla, AK stake. They got to know eachother through a lot of different activities such as stake dances, youth conferences, choir groups, and mutual friends. They were friends for quite a while when Monica's senior prom came and she decided that she would like to go with her friend Miles because she knew that they would have a lot of fun together. The day of prom came and there was a pretty big group of them that were going together. They made it into basically a whole day date, first they hiked thunderbird falls in Eagle River, the girls made dinner for the boys, they went to the dance and danced the night away then watched a movie and stayed up really late playing games and trying on skunk hats (well that was just Miles :). Through out the course of the date Monica and Miles realized they had feelings for each other and a new relationship began. They dated for a while and had a lot of fun but after Monica graduated they decided that it would be best to go their separate ways. Monica went off to BYU-Idaho and eventually Miles went off to BYU in provo. They kept in touch every once in a while as friends, and then even while they were both on their missions they wrote each other now and then. They never lost the friendship they had. After Monica returned home from her mission she felt inclined to call Miles up. They started talking on the phone more often, and before they knew it they were once again dating. This time things turned into something beautiful. After just 3 wonderful weeks of seeing each other everyday they knew that things were right. They had gone up to Boise for Easter with Monica's family and on the way home to Provo the wheel of her car went flying into the ditch with sparks flying everywhere. They were only about 15 miles outside of Boise and had to wait for a tow truck to come pick them up. While waiting Miles spread out his coat on a hill on the Side of the road and they ate their picnic lunch. While eating they watched the sunset and the stars come out and Miles sang to Monica "I wanna grow old with you" from the wedding singer, then asked Monica to marry her. She was taken a little by surprise but with excitement answered YES! (to be continued...)